We all need some good tools in our belt.

Here are some free resources that may be handy.

Having the Right Tools Makes All The Difference

Regardless of the task you are taking on, having the right tools can make all of the difference when it comes to speed, quality, and overall enjoyment of your experience.

As dads and parents, having the right resources and tools to help raise our kids, keeps us from being overwhelmed, ups our quality of building our kids up, and allows us to better enjoy our parenting life.

Since being dad shouldn't be DIY, we have curated and created a variety of tools to help you!

Quizzes & Calculators

When we are lost or unsure, quizzes and calculators can often be a great tool to help us decipher a direction or starting point. Here are some of the quizzes we found to be helpful in a variety of areas we as dads travel through.

And just so you know, we aren't affiliated with or benefit from sharing these tools and organizations with you. We just think they are helpful!

Kids Constantly Battling or Arguing?

At some point in the parenting journey, everyone faces a version of this from time to time.

If this is happening ALL the time, take a look at this quiz to see if your experience calls for a little more attention.

Check Out Quiz

What Is My Net Worth?

If you haven't thought about where your net worth is (or even what defines net worth), here is a tool to both understand the basics and see where you are.

This is an important starting place to evaluate the direction to take when looking at your life after kids in the house.


How Are You Looking For Retirement?

Diapers, clothes, sports gears, league fees, food, food, food. We know the expenses don't get smaller as the kids get bigger.

Making sure that you are saving for later and putting money to work for you now so that you can benefit later is an important tool.

See If I'm On Track

You Can't Pour From An Empty Glass!

You may not think its a big deal, but making sure you are drinking enough water will keep you feeling more energized and rearing to go.

Check out this basic calculator to see if you are getting enough H2O in your tank.

Am I Getting Enough?


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